Monday, September 21, 2009

And the winner is....

Mikey! Yeah! Mikey (Michael, Michael motorcycle turn the key and......) is my brother and I'm real happy to send this pup down south to live with him. You see, my brother is a real life Tom Bombadil when it comes to animals (and it sounds like plants too now that he's got his garden growing). Yay!

I'll be sending him off to you when we get back from a short trip across state to Pittsburgh, we're going there to visit Carnegie Mellon for the day to see if it's our next move. Should be interesting.

Above was the highlight of the weekend - a little family gathering for Courtney's 30th on Saturday - an absolutely glorious day for such a thing, it was perfect.

OH!!!! Wellington Dreams won an award at that little film festival I was telling ya'll about - Best in Animation. Fun huh!!!

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