Monday, June 8, 2009

Garden Update

Kale, first tomatoes, flower garden, clematis seed pods, nasturtiums

garden silhouette, potato flowers, calendula, peas

string beans, garden shot, columbine seed pods, strawberries, strawberry leaf with a fly, gourds.

So I've randomly going out of taking pictures of the gardens progress but never finding the time to update the blog about it. While I've waited many of the plants have out grown their pictures. I've now been motivated by my Sister-in-Law updating her blog about their new garden. It seems may be it's genetic thing - gardening.

We are having the best season ever. Everything is full, green and healthy. We have certainly exceeded last year in growth - we already have two little tomatoes. It's all about the lights and of course a bit of fertilizer helps too.

Much of the stuff you see above were started by us. This years new plants that we started were string beans, basil, greens - swiss card, collards and kale (we eat A LOT of greens and we're real happy that were growing enough this year to not have to buy any!). The rest (tomatoes, lettuce, onions, peppers) we've started in previous years and just keep getting better at it. I love it. We've got lattice everywhere this year - tomatoes, gourds and squash. I love climbers.


Tuberous Root said...

I want to eat that strawberry and the pea pod... Everything's so greeennn!!!! It looks delightful!

allison o. said...

Great photos! I love nasturtium, esp. when the leaves get huge!