So I'm going to start off with one of my favorites - Botodesign. Now, of course I'm going to try and cover everyone eventually but I know I'm being a bit over zealous here and will probably not meet that goal because there are a bunch of us and we just keep growing but I'll try.

Meet Boto! A robot that lives in Japan! Seriously it can't get any better than that for me. Chen Reichert is behind the designs of all these cute characters. I'm a huge fan of robots so I was a sucker at first site.

I have figure out a way to mold wool into a box shape so I can make some robots.
This is so sweet Melissa! Thanks so much for the feature! Can't wait to see the rest of your features. This will be a great little resource for members and people who are looking to join the team. :)
This is great! I too love the ideas of robots frolicking in the cherry blossoms:) My man wears the t-shirt with the two robots bowing to one another. I LOVE IT! I think Boto is also an example of a cohesive shop that spans multiple media. nice work!
so good! i love our team!
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